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A collection of our press releases and editorials

Sibling Symmetry Two young adult tiger cubs rest in the early morning light at Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve, India. © Anay Tarnekar/TNC Photo Contest 2019

Editorials in Newspapers and Magazines

  • A collaborative approach for crop residue management (CRM)

    The government and research institutions' initiatives need to be complemented with efforts by civil society to address social barriers and information gaps. Read more

  • TNC India's MD congratulates Saaf Water; IBM Call for Code Winners

    Dr. Annapurna Vancheswaran said, "The groundwater quality monitoring tool developed by Saaf Water is promising, timely, and appears to have great potential for use by communities relying on groundwater for domestic use." Read more

  • Managing crop residue

    In-situ solutions like Happy Seeder work better to eliminate crop residue burning in Northwest India. Crop residue burning is a widely prevalent practice in Punjab, Haryana and Western Uttar Pradesh under the paddy-wheat cropping pattern. Read more

  • Optimise India’s Renewable Energy and Reforestation Projects

    An analysis conducted by TNC and the Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy (CSTEP) demonstrates that India can meet its renewable energy target of 175 GW by 2022 by placing renewable energy infrastructure on already degraded lands. Read more.

  • Empowering Farmers To Practice No-Burn Agriculture

    The hazardous air quality in North-West India is yet again in the international news this year. Crop residue burning is a significant contributor, among many others, that have caused the National Capital of India to be enveloped in smog. Download report (pdf).

  • End to Crop Burning is Achievable and Farmers Can Lead the Way

    Crop residue burning is a major source of air pollution in northwest India during the winter months. Any solution to this burning issue must address economic, behavioural and financial barriers that farmers face in sustainably disposing crop residue. Read more.

More stories about our work in India

Read more about our progress and impact on the ground, making a difference for people and nature in India.